Berger single kick black
Sonja H.
Test report from 04.04.2024
Wie lange wurde der Berger Einzeltritt getestet?
„We have been using the step for about 4 weeks.“
Auf welchem Untergrund wurde der Einzeltritt genutzt?
„We tested the step on paving stones and on grass“
Wofür nutzt du den Einzeltritt?
„To get into our caravan“
Wie war dein erster Eindruck von dem Berger Einzeltritt?
„the first thing I noticed was the very light weight and the small pack size. The carrying strap is practical.“
Wie zufrieden bist du mit Gewicht und Abmessungen?
„The step can be folded up really small and is also very light. It fits well in the cupboard next to the entrance door.“
Wie gefällt dir das Design und die Optik?
„The step is small and black. The tread surface is ribbed. There is nothing wrong with the design.“
Wie stabil steht der Einzeltritt?
„Because the legs are foldable, they wobble very slightly. Nevertheless, the step is stable on the ground and does not slip. The tread surface is also good as it is ribbed so that you don't slip, even when it is wet.“
Wie leichter ist der Einstieg in deinen Wohnwagen / Wohnmobil dank des Tritts?
„It is significantly lighter than without a step. However, the step could be higher. The ribbed surface makes it easy to stand on the step without slipping.“
Wie leicht lässt sich der Tritt reinigen?
„You can easily turn the dry step over so that all the dirt falls off. I then clean the grooved surface with a broom, which works well.“
Würdest du den Berger Einzeltritt weiterempfehlen?
„Yes, absolutely. I like it and from now on I'll take it with me on every vacation.“
Overall impression:
„I really like the step. I was particularly impressed by the small pack size. Non-folding steps somehow always get in the way. It is also stable on the ground, doesn't wobble and makes it much easier to get on.“