Berger Deluxe Kitchen Box
Daniela H.
Test report from 06.05.2019
How long could you test the kitchen box?
„At home when moving, as storage and storage space when barbecuing in the garden.“
Where was the kitchen box used?
„Meadow and screed, pavement“
How well did the construction of the folding cabinet work?
„Very good and quick to set up, completely easy for anyone to understand.“
How was the stability in the test?
„Top! Very stable due to the frame running all around, fit on the supplied feet.“
How stable do you feel the loaded cabinet?
„Also very stable here. Only the upper two plates I would not fully loaded because of the zip. On the other hand, this is also very practical because you can thus also high objects super ubterbringen.“
How do you feel about the pack size?
„Perfectly solved, you could not make smaller. Also great in the carrier bag.“
Do you find the appearance of the outdoor kitchen appealing?
„Very, great workmanship, not a cheap product. Very nice wooden plate, also easy to clean.“
How do you rate the processing?
„High quality and stable. Purposeful.“
Overall impression:
„Visually very appealing, frame I like very much, also the wooden plate is great! Ventilation by means of mesh in the rear area is well thought out. The splash guard on top can be mounted very easily, but does not have to be.“