Berger Diego kitchen cabinet
Sven und Laima D.
Test report from 28.10.2021
Wie lange konnten Sie den Küchenschrank Diego testen?
„We have the kitchen cabinet Diego now for almost 5 weeks almost daily on our motorhome tour in use.“
Auf welchem Untergrund kam die Küchenbox zum Einsatz?
„The kitchen box stood mainly on solid sandy ground, but also on asphalt and grass. We have even taken it to the beach to cook there.“
Wie gut hat der Aufbau des Faltschranks funktioniert?
„The assembly of the folding cabinet is really very simple and does not require any manual skills. The kitchen box is unfolded by means of a simple folding system, then still the fabric compartments are hung in the appropriate devices and the stable inserts for the compartments are placed. Finally, the foldable windbreak is slid into place on top of the countertop and you're done. All this is also explained and illustrated on an easy to understand instruction manual.“
Wie stabil empfinden Sie den beladenen Schrank?
„In terms of stability, the kitchen cabinet convinces even when fully loaded. Nothing sags and the fabric compartments can withstand any load. We were also very impressed by the stability of the entire structure, regardless of the surface. Of course, the compartment inserts also ensure good stability of the stored utensils here.“
Empfinden Sie die Optik der Außenküche ansprechend?
„Especially when camping, the outdoor kitchen integrates optically optimal to the rest of the camping equipment. The design is appealing and looks very stable even at first glance. We also find the color combination of this silver-gray to the black fabric insert very successful and discreet.“
Wie empfinden Sie Gewicht und Packmaß der Küchenbox?
„With 8.5kg, the kitchen box is not a lightweight but not necessarily heavy. The pack size, however, we like very much, because you can store the box in folded condition really very space-saving in the camper. So packed it takes up neither from the height, nor from the side dimensions much space.“
Wie beurteilen Sie die Verarbeitung?
„We can only describe the workmanship here as very good. The hinges work perfectly, the compartment inserts are very firm and do not bend under load. The zippers are also of good quality. The fabric hook-in compartments can withstand any load and are also well made.
The folding windbreak has also not disappointed us so far.“
Overall impression:
„Our overall impression of the kitchen cabinet Diego is very positive. The stability and quality workmanship convinced us all along the line. The purposes are versatile and you can cook through the attached windbreak also wonderful in windy weather outside. Due to the small pack size, we can store the box very space-saving in our camper and if necessary, by the really very fast assembly, promptly set up and use. The price / performance ratio has convinced us and we would buy the box again at any time.“