Berger Hopuni Pro
Sabine J.
Test report from 11.06.2024
Wie lange wurde die Berger Hopuni LED Campinglaterne getestet?
„The Berger Hopuni LED camping lantern is used every evening when camping and has been tested for several weeks.“
Wo fand der Test statt?
„We use the Berger Hopuni LED camping lantern in the caravan as a night light for our middle son and as an evening light on the table in front of the caravan. The test took place both indoors and outdoors.“
Wie war der erste Eindruck der Berger Hopuni LED Campinglaterne?
„We already loved the previous model and this model impresses with its design and functionality. We simply love the lantern. The first impression was very good.“
Wie bewerten Sie das Gewicht und die Größe der Leuchte?
„The weight of the lantern is low and the size is ideal for a light source and decorative object. It is not too big and not too small. It creates an atmospheric picture when placed on the table and doesn't look bulky at all.“
Wie gut gefällt Ihnen die Optik der Berger Hopuni LED Campinglaterne?
„We really like the look of the Berger Hopuni LED camping lantern. Unlike the previous model, which is also very attractive, the metal lampshade has a rounded shape. It is rounder overall and we really, really like the pastel colors.“
Welchen Eindruck haben Sie von Material und Verarbeitung?
„There is nothing to complain about in terms of workmanship and material. The Berger Hopuni LED camping lantern looks high-quality and durable. It is well made and all components are well coordinated.“
Wie einfach ist die Bedienung?
„The lamp is easy to operate. Press and hold the button and the lamp comes on. The brightness is set using the dirt button. What is completely new with this model is that there is another light color. Pressing the button again changes the light color from warm white to cool white. That's very nice.“
Wie gut gefällt Ihnen die Helligkeit der Leuchte?
„As you can adjust the brightness and also the light color, I can't say anything negative about this. By dimming the light, the lamp bathes the surroundings in a soft light and if you want to read something, for example, you can turn the lamp up even brighter. The brightness dimming function is a very good solution and very practical.“
Wie beurteilen Sie die Dimmfunktion?
„The dimming function of the Berger Hopuni LED camping lantern is the perfect solution. By dimming the light, the lamp bathes the surroundings in soft light and if you want to read something, for example, you can turn the lamp up even brighter.“
Wie bewerten sie die Leuchtdauer?
„We have been testing the lamp for a few weeks now and have only had to charge it once so far. I would therefore say that the light lasts a very long time. We like it!“
Wie bewerten Sie die Ladedauer der Berger Hopuni LED Campinglaterne?
„We plug the Hopuni lantern into the socket in the evening and it is charged in the morning. I can't say how long it actually takes to get back to full capacity, but probably not long.“
Wie gut funktioniert die Nutzung der Leuchte als Powerbank?
„Unfortunately, we have not yet used this function.“
Overall impression:
„We love the Berger Hopuni LED camping lantern! It provides beautiful light, is dimmable, now even comes in two different colors and is stylish. It's a decorative object and lamp in one and, if you want, you can also use it as a power bank. Simply brilliant!“